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Is the Computer Geek Stereotype Still a Thing?

Is the Computer Geek Stereotype Still a Thing?

When people think of an average computer science student, it’s difficult to get away from the classic stereotype. You know the one. A fairly quiet young guy, digitally savvy yet socially awkward, who prefers the company of online role-playing games and instant noodles...
Who Invests in Hardware Startups?

Who Invests in Hardware Startups?

While many angels and VCs are still skittish about hardware startups, there has been a massive renaissance in the hardware funding ecosystem over the last few years. Since 2010, venture capital investment in hardware startups is up more than 30x: I’m only including...
Cerber ransomware removal instructions

Cerber ransomware removal instructions

What is Cerber? Cerber is a ransomware-type malware that infiltrates systems, encrypting various file types including .jpg, .doc, .raw, .avi, etc. Cerber adds a .cerber (some variants add .cerber2 or .cerber3) extension to each encrypted file. Notice that some...