We’ve already recounted the best surprises of the year, so it’s time to let our bitterness reign. As in past years, I’ve polled our entire staff and collected the biggest disappointments of the year here for your reading enjoyment. (For a good time, check out our lists from 2012, 2013, 2014 and 2015.)

Before we can heal, first we must acknowledge what went wrong. Let the kvetching begin.

Too many games launch with fucked-up PC versions.

This is a perennial thing, but it was as bad in 2016 as it’s been any other year. Too many PC games were released with sub-par optimization and other performance issues, from the less egregious jankiness of XCOM 2 and Hitman to the woeful launch state of No Man’s Sky, Mafia 3 and Dishonored 2. Each game had us wasting untold hours on the bizarre rituals we perform while impatiently waiting for patches, and we’ll never get those hours back. There were some smooth PC launches this year, including Doom and Battlefield 1, but it’s still a bummer every time it happens. Dear video game publishers: It’s okay if you delay your PC versions by a few weeks to help make them run properly out of the gate. We’re good with it.

PS4 Pro isn’t exactly the upgrade we’d hoped for.

Look, Sony. All we wanted was Bloodborne at 60fps. In fact, you know what? We would’ve been happy with a version of Bloodborne that ran at a smooth 30fps with no frame-pacing issues. But Bloodborne didn’t get a Pro patch at all. Instead we got a few games like Rise of the Tomb Raider running at higher frame rates, a fair number of recent games running at higher resolutions, and a few of those games actually running a little bit worse than they would at 1080p on a standard PS4. Future games will doubtless benefit from the new hardware, but we were hoping for more Pro improvements for existing PS4 games.

The Division blows its endgame, loses players.

Ubisoft’s The Division launched as a pretty fun game that a ton of people bought and played. However, a few weeks after it had been in the wild, the cracks began to show. Cheaters began mercilessly exploiting the Dark Zone. Loot exploits led players to level up much faster than they otherwise should have. The game was too stingy with rewards, eventually trapping players by making it so that you could only get the high-level gear you needed by doing high-level missions… for which you needed to already have that gear. The developers at Ubisoft Massive admirably changed course in the fall, but by then it was too late for a lot of players. The player-base has shrunk to a fraction of what it once was, and it’s doubtful most of them will ever go back.

Original screenshot by Berduu.

No Man’s Sky, in general.

Where to begin with No Man’s Sky? Most obviously, the game itself was a disappointment, particularly to those who (justifiably) had put stock in the loads of exciting, specific features Hello Games head Sean Murray had talked about and shown in trailers prior to launch. When it finally launched in August, it was a perfectly pleasant little exploration game, but it was missing so many features included in trailers, interviews and demos that expectant fans were understandably miffed. The developers’ almost complete lack of post-release communication didn’t help things. The bad taste from that was only somewhat washed away by the recent, substantial Foundation update.

No Man’s Sky fans also failed to cover themselves in glory throughout the year, attacking the developers in May for delaying the game and sending our news editor death threats for accurately reporting that delay. Someone even hacked into Hello Games’ Twitter feed and email in October to issue bogus apologies. It was all a huge stinking mess, and even more of a bummer considering that if No Man’s Sky had simply launched as a lower priced early-access PC game instead of a $60 boxed console game, the entire narrative surrounding it could have been different. Oh, what might have been.

Good sequels fare poorly.

We don’t put too much stock in any given video game sales report, but it seems clear enough that several of the fall’s big sequels, including Dishonored 2, Watch Dogs 2 and Titanfall 2 didn’t sell very well. That’s bad news, considering that all three were excellent games and all three substantially improved on their predecessors. In the case of Titanfall 2, poor sales means fewer people to play with online, which is a real bummer for a game with such fun multiplayer. We love it when a video game sequel elaborates on all the things the first game did right while smoothing out the things it got wrong, and it’s a shame to see good sequels flounder.

Fan games fight to survive.

Fan-made tribute games are an understandably tricky issue for video game publishers, particularly when the people making fan games start using trademarked games to make money. It was still a shame to see fan projects like AM2R, the Game Jolt archive and Pokémon Uranium shut down, partly because they were cool projects and partly because of the chilling effect that could have on other fans who might make tribute games. Not all fan games got the axe this year, as evidenced by Sega’s evidently more open approach to Green Hill Paradise Act 2 and Sonic Utopia. This will likely always be a complicated issue full of grey areas, but we wish publishers—and Nintendo in particular—would be more open to the idea of fans remixing their ideas not for profit, but for fun. More talking, less legal hammer-dropping.

Steam is drowning in shovelware.

Quick, open up Steam. Check the “new releases” tab. What do you see? More than likely, you see a few games you’ve heard of, maybe a few interesting-looking games you haven’t heard of, and a mountain of cheap-ass shovelware. This year, Steam was overwhelmed with low-quality junk, to the point that it’s become too difficult to find interesting new things. Valve would love for their own users to act as curators, but their open-season approach to their own store and lack of improvements to the curators system makes it hard to get good information. In fact, a shocking 40% of Steam releases came out this year alone, according to Steam Spy.